Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

This is one of my more emotional holidays, this and Memorial Day. It's a time when I reflect on the liberties we have, the meaning our forefathers tried to convey hundreds of years ago when they first came to America for religious freedom, and what I am doing to contribute to that freedom. Prayer is one of my contributions, for our nation and for the families who have sacrificed to safeguard our freedoms and our sovereignty.

Freedom of worship is the single most important social issue to me as a believer. That means I will also fight for others to worship as they choose. It just never seems to be an issue if someone wants to believe in something other than Christianity, why is that? The god of this world doesn't seem to mind worship of anything else... Thank God this world is not our home.

Two years ago the girls had a concert with the Boston Children's Chorus in a church where the congregation was encouraged to worship in the style they chose. I knew they frowned on certain denominations but it was their motto. As the children were singing a beautiful song in Hebrew, I was so inspired to raise my hands in worship. It was not a Jewish congregation, by the way. We are Christians who have learned we are Jewish but that’s another post. As a guest, I didn't want to offend, but I quickly remembered they encouraged freedom of worship. As I stood and held up my hands in silent praise to the Lord, a wave of whispering swept behind me. I had to fight the peer pressure I felt and realized how strong that can be.

I had a choice in those moments, to accept my status as an American and express my worship or cave to the surprise and perhaps chagrin of some of those around me. I chose to worship because I live on free soil. Others stood as well and it was a moving time for me personally because I fought for my freedom to worship internally and that is where it all begins.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalm 100:4  KJV

We live in these United States; this is still a free country regardless of her many enemies within and without. If I enter a building here, I am not changing allegiance to my country or my God. Of course, I will abide by the rules of my hosts, but if those rules offend me, I don’t have to visit.

On this 4rh of July, I will be expressing my worship on the streets of Boston and thanking God for my forefathers who had the wisdom and foresight to create a country around the most important nucleus of the heart, freedom of religion. I will never forget what they have done for my family and my children will never forget either.

You are free to worship the Lord as you choose in this country. No wonder we’re such a target and no wonder we are so bountifully blessed.

God Bless You, America.

I have a special post for Sunday.  Please stop in if you have a moment.  Many blessings, Karen

Photo credit:


  1. Happy 4th of July!

  2. Thanks, Susanne! Hope you had a fantastic day! many blessings, K. :)


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